keskiviikko 21. toukokuuta 2014

Oulu KV 18.5.14

Oulun KVssa Äimärautiolla päästiin nauttimaan auringosta:)
Hieno päivä muutenkin, Rönni esitti parastaan nuorten luokassa,onnea Milla&Rönni!!!
tuomarina Rachel Dijkhorst-Noij, Alankomaat

"1,5 years outstanding young male, who has everything going for him. Lovely head. Masculine with a very sweet expression. Balanced & well angulated. Nice forechest. Strong bone. Beautiful feet. Nice depth of body. Effortless movement with him lowering his head well in moving. Just a quality dog"

                                              NUO ERI1 SA PU1 SERT CACIB ROP
                                                  AVO ERI2 SA PN2 Vara CACIB
Kisman arvostelu " 2years,nice bitch,well-put-together, feminine head. She could use her ears a bit more to enchance the expression. Nice dark oval shaped eyes. Well rounded muzzle. Good forechest needs to deepen a bit in body to tighten the elbows. She can stand with a correct topline, but ran also ruin it. Balanced angulated, strong bone,oval feet. Typical movement with long stride. Nice temperament. Well presented."

Tästä on hyvä jatkaa kesän näytelykiertuetta Kisman&Rönnin kanssa :)

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